Introduction to Catamaran sailing sessions
We are running seven different sessions that cover the basics of sailing - you can sign up to attend all of the sessions or you can pick and choose which sessions are of interest to you.
Session 1 - Hoisting, Furling & Reefing White Sails
Understand how and be able to hoist sails, operate furling systems and reef.
Session 2 - Mooring & Basic Boat Handling
Understand how to come alongside a pontoon, finger berth and pick up a mooring buoy. Be able to correctly tie on fenders, prepare mooring lines and secure the boat. Understand the tide and weather conditions that effect mooring up. Be aware of some of the different mooring options available globally. Understand the considerations when manoeuvring a boat in close quarters.
Session 3 - Tacking, Gybing and Points of Sail
Session 4 - Pilotage & Transits
Understand and use transits. Be able to steer to keep on a transit. Know the purpose of transits. Know sources of information for tides, tidal streams and weather, in particular around Jersey but this can be applied anywhere. Understand the need for planning, including back up plans.
Session 5 - Anchoring
Know different types of anchor and suitability for conditions and activities, i.e. lunch vs overnight. Know about length of chain and warp. Looking for suitable sea bed. Drying heights, depth of water. Preparing the anchor and warp for deployment. Deploying the anchor. Retrieving the anchor. Setting multiple anchors.
Session 6 - Man Over Board
Understand the MOB drill. How to retrieve a MOB. The importance of knowing and practicing a method suitable for the boat that you are aboard. Prevention of MOB is the best option.
Session 7 - Blind Navigation
Navigation from A to B without visual aids or GPS.